Shirt jackets or “Shackets” were allllll the rage last year, and I am happy to report that they are alive and well and all over your favorite retailers again this year! It took me a few failed purchases last year to finally find the right shacket (above), but once I did, I was fully in on the trend. I tried a few that were itchy, not flattering and too expensive. But if you find the *right* one, trust me, they are a great piece to have in your closet!
{Like I said in my shacket post from earlier this year} The great thing about the Shacket is that it is not quite as heavy as a coat, but it will keep ya warm and add a little extra dimension to your winter look. It is also light weight enough for continued use for the Spring, when it is just cool enough to need an extra layer. I am literally wearing one as I write this, inside, and it doesn’t feel bulky or *too much.*