After hiding this news from you guys with lots of old photos, unique angles, and dummy drinks – Kev and I are beyond excited to finally share this big life update with you all!

The past couple of months have been a whirlwind. Around July 4, I found out that I was pregnant and it was quitethe surprise. Kevin and I have always wanted kids, but in my mind I was going to become a parent in a couple of more years. Obviously the big man upstairs had bigger plans for us so we are embracing this surprise with open arms and a side of nausea!
Once we got the news, I officially declared that summer was over (the heat was not my friend, for the first time in my life) and that winter needed to hurry up. Why did I crave winter time, you ask? Well, I was really sick for a couple of weeks and who wants to be in the summer heat watching everyone drink Coronas when all you can think about is throwing up? The answer is no one. Between the nausea and the hormones, winter was looking like my new BFF. I should also take this time to clarify that pre-pregnancy, the only thing I liked about winter was Christmas aka nothing weather related.

Can I just say – this concept people speak of called “morning sickness” is a complete trick because what I had was more like 24/7 sickness. Can we call it that from now on????? I know it’s different for everyone but fueh, it was tough. I often found myself thinking I can’t believe my mom did this NINE TIMES. It didn’t matter how many hours of sleep I got, how many Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations I did,or how much ginger ale I drank, it felt like I had the never ending hangover from hell. So, if I didn’t show up to your gathering during this trying time, please forgive me!

A couple weeks in, Kevin (bless him!) came home with these bracelets called sea-bands. I knew exactly what they were when he showed them to me because my dad used to wear them for motion sickness. I had no idea they could be used for this 24/7 pregnancy sickness (I refuse to call it morning sickness bc, like I said, thats a misleading trick…) To my surprise, these sea bands WORKED like a charm. They use acupressure for nausea relief and are the best thingsever. I was finally able to workout again and leave the house without fear of wanting to throw up everywhere.

Once the 24/7 sickness dissipated, I finally felt semi-normal and just needed, well still need, to wrap my head around the whole labor and delivery part. I regularly freak out about this. I am still working on calming down ab it so any tips would be greatly appreciated! Don’t get me wrong, I am very grateful for this little miracle but if I’m being completely honest, I AM SCARED and secretly hoping someone comes out with a meditation that I can listen to while I sleep to help my brain with this whole process. Universe, are you listening?

All the candor aside, Kevin and I are very excited to finally share this pregnancy news with you all, to see where this journey takes us, and of course – to meet Baby S in February! There is def a learning curve with this first time parenting thing so send me all your tips!! What do you think the gender is? Don’t worry, there will be lots more pregnancy related content on the blog soon!
PS – Despite the smiles in the picture below, I miss champagne ALOT. Bubbly water is not a good stand in.
PPS – Special thanks to the magical Kaytee Lauren for making these photos possible with her beautiful baby sidekick, Thea Rose <3