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The phases of the moon have always been fascinating to me. Over the past couple of years, I have really enjoyed learning about the phases of the moon and how to harness the natural power of the two most well known moon phases: the new moon and the full moon. During these two phases, the energy of the moon is most felt.
As I’ve said in several of my blogposts here and on cathclaire.com about the moon, mother moon affects the ocean tides, the growth of plants, and (among other things) human beings with her energy.
I’ve shared my full moon ritual here on The Crystal Press and touched on how a full moon is about completion.
Like I’ve said in my blogpost about my full moon ritual:
“During a full moon, the moon receives the light of the sun – shining back to us in the sky, illuminating parts of ourselves that may had previously been in the shadows. That is why the full moons have such a stigma – because they do bring things, thoughts, and energies to the surface. But this isn’t meant to be a bad thing, it is meant to be empowering. By bringing our shadows to our conscious mind the full moon gives us a gift of personal enlightenment. Isn’t that beautiful? Now you see why I have been a big full moon ritual-er.”
Full Moon Prayer :

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While a full moon’s energy is about completion and lights up the sky, a new moon’s energy is about beginnings and not visible in the night sky. The new moon is not visible on Earth because it is right between the sun and Earth. Think of a new moon like a zero starting point – a time to plant the seeds for your future to blossom into your dreams. It is a great time to get clear on your future and to bring fresh, purifying energy into your life with new manifestations.
Get out your journal during today’s new moon (occurs approximately every 29 days) and get clarity on what you want within this moon cycle. Plant the seeds for an upgrade in your life and harness this energy to manifest. A new moon is a great time to visualize and meditate about your future. I can’t say it enough. Get clear and start asking for what you want on the new moon loves!
New Moon Prayer:

Happy asking, dreaming, and blossoming!
The new moon is a magical time to being something new.

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Carrington | Chaos and Coffee
November 12, 2020 at 11:07 am (4 years ago)This is so interesting, I’ve honestly never noticed this much but I am so interested now after reading this post! Thanks for sharing! Xx.
November 12, 2020 at 11:42 am (4 years ago)Loved this post! This is actually something that I have started looking more into. I think it’ just so fascinating!
November 12, 2020 at 12:38 pm (4 years ago)This was really neat, I have never heard of the Full moon prayer before but makes me want to learn more. I’m super into energies from the universe and this sounds like it’s kind of in the same ball park.
Tanvi Rastogi
November 12, 2020 at 1:32 pm (4 years ago)I am intrigued … how cool. I do believe in energies moving through universe and now I want to learn more.
❥ tanvii.com
Jessica Camerata
November 12, 2020 at 5:26 pm (4 years ago)Always so intrigued by this kind of stuff! I had no idea about a NEW moon!
xo Jessica
an indigo day
Sarah Lindner
November 13, 2020 at 9:51 am (4 years ago)Will be channeling all of that New Moon in Scorpio energy this weekend! xoxo, Sarah
November 17, 2020 at 10:56 pm (4 years ago)I love tracking the moon cycles and next time I see a new moon, I will think of this New moon prayer. 🙂
Xx, Nailil
November 19, 2020 at 9:58 am (4 years ago)yes!!! its a good one.
Jamaria Johnson
November 19, 2020 at 4:32 pm (4 years ago)This is cool! I never really keep up with this kind of stuff, but you have definitely inspired me. Thanks for sharing!
January 31, 2021 at 4:31 pm (4 years ago)Thank you for sharing the new moon prayer! I have my own full moon ritual but actually haven’t thought about incorporating a new moon ritual! Definitely going to for the next new moon 🙂