We are over halfway through the year (crazy), and we like to do a check-in with ourselves, especially amongst all the summer chaos. Here is a list of things we like to do to treat ourselves during the summer months.

Go To The Spa – DUH!! You guys know that we LOVE Scents of Serenity Organic Spa here in Richmond. Lately, we have been loving a simple Deep Tissue Massage with CBD Oil, but every service they have is amazing. If you are in Richmond, book yourself a treatment and tell them we sent you!
If you aren’t in Richmond, find a local spa where you can go and unplug and relax. It always makes us feel refreshed and revitalized.
Buy A New Bathing Suit – Summer isn’t over friends. Remember every body is a beach body and treating yourself to a new suit can really make you feel like your best self.
Take Yourself on a Date – Go sit at the bar at your favorite restaurant and get a good drink and a good meal. If you don’t like to be by yourself (we, personally love it, but its not for everyone) make a date with your partner or a friend or family member and put your phones away and enjoy being in the moment.
Make Time to Read – I always get more reading done in the summer, sitting by the pool, going to the beach and enjoying our front porch in the evening, but sometimes I still need to remember to make time to read. Whether you like a good beach read (I’m currently reading the Winter in Paradise series by Elin Hilderbrand), or if you like a good crime thriller (I’m a big Baldacci and Connelly fan) here are a few of our current and past favorites we know you’ll love.

Buy Yourself Some Bling – I am a HUGE fan of gorjana and their affordable gold jewelry. My collection is vast and each day I like to mix and match different pieces. We are also veryyyyy into the idea of less conventional body bling like anklets and belly chains right now. 90s anyone?

Take a YOU Day – This is basically a summary of all of the above. If you are lucky enough to have personal days from work, or feel like playing hookie, taking a day off during the week can do wonders for the soul. Book a massage, sit by the pool with a good book and end the day with a meal at your favorite restaurant.
Save this post as a reminder when you need to check-in with yourself and treat yourself to something GOOD. YOU DESERVE IT!
xx, Reb & Cath

Erin Allen
July 15, 2021 at 11:11 pm (4 years ago)Great post, ideas, and and reminder! Thank you! Haven’t been to that spa but the CBD massage sounds amaaazing right about now! And Hello, summer is my current read – I’m really enjoying it if you’re looking for a light, easy read.