Cleanse your house, space, and spirit with my personal sage smudging routine.

I am a big believer in smudging you house with sage. I do it at least once a month around the moon phases.
Some people doubt it’s effects by calling it a placebo but ya know what, placebo or not – I don’t care. I don’t care because every time I sage a space – my house usually – the energy feels magically different. SO much lighter. Placebo or no placebo, smudging my house with sage is always worth it.
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Before I sage my house, I open a window or a door. The reason for doing so is because I want to have a place for the unwanted energy aka the negativity to exit. Once I have a clear pathway for the negativity, I hone in on my intention. Generally, I am intending to clear the space, release what no longer servers me, and to bless it. If I feel stuck about something in my life, I will add this into my prayer while saging as well.
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My sage prayer usually sounds something like:
Dear God,
Please cleanse this space for the highest good of my family and all that come in contact with our beautiful home. I release into this smoke all energies that do no serve me, all negativities that surround me, and fear that limits me or my family. On Heaven as It is on Earth.

Once I have gotten clear on my prayer, I use a special candle to light my sage. My favorite candle is from Etsy and it is a Reiki charged candle for Harmony. As I intentionally sage my house, I hold my prayer in my minds eye and gently guide the negative energy towards to exit path I created for it.
Be sure to be attentive while saging and to use a plate, shell or a special ash catcher to catch the dust or embers from the sage. When you are finished, put out the sage and thank it for cleaning your space. Simple, sweet, and magical.
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