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Drift Riot

View More: http://kayteelauren.pass.us/cathclaire

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If there is a piece of jewelry I can’t walk out of the house without these days, it’s this Drift Riot “When I think of You” knot collar. (sweet name, right?) We’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there are so many awesome companies based in Richmond and Drift Riot is one of them.


Tibi Bell Sleeve Dress


It’s no secret that my motivation to become a blogger is rooted in my discovery of Tibi and designer, Amy Smilovic, 6 years ago. I have loved watching the evolution of the brand and I know that each and every season, there is going to be something new and interesting. I have pieces in my closet (a pair of Mary Janes, a Jumpsuit) that are among some of my first Tibi pieces and I don’t think I will ever have the heart to throw them out, even when they are worn completely through. They help to serve as a constant reminder of where this whole adventure began and I’ve grown so accustomed to seeing them on a daily basis.

 Ok, get to the point Rebecca…  (more…)

Fan Girl


If there is the best time to be in fashion for a blogger duo like The Crystal Press, I would have to say it is Spring/Summer fashion week in September when the weather is just right in NYC. Rebecca and I are still learning the ropes of this enchanting time of year but, boy, what we have learned so far has fulfilled dreams we’ve had ever since we were little girls. Before I go any further, let me just say we wouldn’t have been able to go on this trip without your support so thanks for following along with our adventures from the very beginning. Yes, that was a shout out to all of the TCP OG’s.


For the Love of Blowouts

mango 1

When you think of styling your own hair, what comes to mind? Knocking yourself in the head with a round brush or finishing with a sleek head of hair? Let’s keep this post from getting too mortifying and say the two of us fall into the  knock-yourself-in-the-head-with-a-round-brush category.

Hey, at least we can admit it.

In contrast to our at home blowout experience, we love getting to travel to places like New York City and Los Angeles where the blowout bars put our at-home hairstyling to shame.  While they are absolutely genius in their creation, we can’t find them on every corner here in the river city – as they might be in our dreams. It was like the hair-styling-gods answered our prayers when Mango reached out to us about their FreshDry program.

If you are a lover of feeling fabulous after a great blowout experience: listen up. Mango has a number of different blowout packages that are within the price range of blowouts offered in those fabulous big-city blow-dry-only bars. As if that wasn’t good enough, they have three locations in Richmond and offer AH-mazing head and hand massages to take the experience to the next level!  The two of us got to experience this at the Short Pump location and can we just say: wow. We loved the staff, the location, the Bumble and bumble products and the overall experience. Keep reading for even better news. 


A Love Letter to Richmond, Virginia

12922288_10206154135803715_1118693227_o Have you ever had a dreamy idea that lasted for about a millisecond before your mind came up with a trillion roadblocks preventing you from ever starting? This is the story of what is now “The Crystal Press.” Although we (Rebecca + Catherine) have been enamored with fashion since we could read and have been messing around with blogs for over a decade, our pesky minds kept us following through with anything consistently. It wasn’t until our post-college move back to RVA that the two of us were inspired to follow one of our so-called dreamy ideas and we give this beautiful city all of the credit. We know we are not alone in the inspiration and sense of community that we are constantly receiving for our little idea, because, well, that is just how Richmond does. It cultivates our creativity and even surprises us at times, when we turn a corner and find a beautiful new space to explore.


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xx, Reb + Cath