Some tips that we are using to keep our mind and body right as we enter the new year! Some are probably new to you and some are pretty obvious, but you never know when you might need a reminder xx
we wrote this at the beginning of 2020 and little did we know how much we would REALLY need these tips this year.

1.Listen to Kelly Howell’s The Secret Universal Mind Meditation
Catherine wrote a pretty great blog post over on Cathclaire a while back on why you should listen to this life changing sleep meditation, but here I am to remind you that IT WORKS. Like she said, I can always tell the difference when I fall asleep listening to Kelly for days on end and when I don’t. The brain sync technology actually works and if you are like me and are pretty worthless at meditation : this is for you. All you have to do is listen, and seriously, you can simply fall asleep! I bought it on iTunes so I could have access to it anywhere and everywhere, but it’s also available for free on YouTube. Do yourself a favor and listen tonight as you fall asleep.
2. Keep an organized calendar
If you are as busy as we are, juggling multiple jobs, events, friends and family this is an absolute must. Personally, I have a Google calendar where EVERYTHING lives: a synced calendar with Johnny, a TCP calendar, daily and weekly reminders and I create an event for everything so I don’t forget. If you prefer a fancy app, or like to keep a hard copy planner with you, then do that! If you keep your schedule organized, I have found that great piece of mind comes with it.

3. Exercise!
Okay, a week ago I would have felt like a fraud telling you this as I didn’t even have a gym membership, but now I do (which may or may not be because of my new lululemon workout gear). ANYWAYS, even if it is just walking for 30 minutes everyday, I already feel better just moving my body more each day. So whether its yoga, a youtube video or a long walk with your dog, carve out some time to m-o-v-e, y’all!
4. Spend time with your peeps
As we prepare for Baby TCP to arrive, we have been more and more conscious about spending real time together, because it is always makes us feel better. Whether you have a standing coffee date with your best friend each week, or set aside a date night with your partner: make time to spend time. It seems like such an obvious idea, right? But, trying to juggle your own busy lives with your friends and family can sometimes be hard, if not stressful, so implementing a routine will be helpful for the mind and the soul.
5. Take The Bath, Put on the Face Mask, Do all of the Self-Care
New Year, New You is the same this year as it ever was. Take the month to recharge, reorganize and prepare for the year to come in whatever way is best for you! No need to make grandiose plans or goals (unless you want to), just make sure to consistently spend some good time with yourself. This will manifest differently for everyone, but I enjoy a nice glass of wine and a face mask while reading or watching my favorite tv shows.
How about you? Drop a comment and let us know.

~ some favorite masks, bath products etc.. ~

~ pin for later ~

January 16, 2020 at 1:34 pm (5 years ago)I’m definitely going to be doing more of these in 2020! Such a great list of things to do to take care of yourself and stay sane 😉
Sarah Lindner
January 16, 2020 at 3:53 pm (5 years ago)I’m all for finding more balance this year and have been better about scheduling my time more wisely so I can enjoy the things I WANT to do more! Great tips! xoxo, Sarah
January 16, 2020 at 5:07 pm (5 years ago)Totally needing this post already!! Need to make room in my schedule for a good bubble bath and face mask night!
January 16, 2020 at 6:10 pm (5 years ago)Well, while I may not listen to that *exact* meditation, I do use Headspace and they have several nighttime meditations you can use to fall asleep. So if I take that into account, I’ve been doing everything on this list so far, and my year has been off to a pretty good start! Yay!
January 16, 2020 at 11:57 pm (5 years ago)I love these tips so much! I really like tip about taking the bath and wearing the face mask!!
cute & little
Emily Wilkinson
January 20, 2020 at 4:28 pm (5 years ago)keeping my calendar organized makes such a huge difference!
Laura Leigh
January 21, 2020 at 8:15 am (5 years ago)LOVE this and completely agree with all of this! Just bought a planner and desk calendar for 2020 and could not be more excited about them!
xo Laura Leigh
January 24, 2020 at 11:54 am (5 years ago)Such great tips! I need to do #1! Would love to learn more about mediation!